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Insurance: Frequently Asked Questions

Will my insurance cover my visit?

There are two types of insurance that cover eye exams:


  1. Vision Insurance: this is usually a separate policy, similar to dental insurance. Some common companies are VSP and EyeMed. This type of insurance covers a basic eye examination and is intended for people who have a need for glasses to help them achieve 20/20 vision, but do not necessarily have eye health problems.
    We do not accept any vision insurance plans, even if we accept your medical insurance.

  2. Medical Insurance: what people are generally familiar with and may refer to as "health insurance". Medical insurance covers the cost of your visit with us if there is a medical problem or concern. If your child needs glasses but their eyes are healthy, your health insurance may cover only a portion of your visit. Most medical insurances do not cover a refraction and you will likely be responsible for the refraction portion of your child's examination. Other considerations that will affect your financial responsibility:

    If you have any questions regarding your coverage, please call your insurance company. As most insurance companies do not cover it, please be prepared to pay for your child's refraction in addition to the copay at their visit. If you have a high-deductible plan, you could be responsible for 100% of your visit, due at the time of service.

What is a "refraction"?

A refraction is how the technician and/or physician determines whether your child needs glasses; if their vision improves with glasses; and what the prescription will be. This is especially difficult in children and is a skilled exam requiring years of experience to properly conduct. There are two basic ways to refract a child: either with the phoropter (the large lens set traditionally used with adults) or using a retinoscope.

Proper refraction requires dilation in children as their eye muscles are significantly stronger than in adults, and is necessary in all new eye exams as part of a complete evaluation.

What insurance plans are accepted?

Not covered by any of these plans? Don't worry! Not all our covered plans are listed here! Contact us and we will let you know what coverage you have, and help you find the best solution to obtain care.  

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